Thursday, June 18, 2009


Top Of R mountain; 06/06/09; 8:30 am; f2.7; Sony DSC- H50
Bannack; 05/15/09; 4:30; f2.7; Sony DSC-H50
Bannack from the top; 05/15/09; 1:00; f2.7; Sony DSC-H50

I really enjoyed learning how to do panoramic. I had taken these earlier before I knew actually how to do it so I was really exited to see the results.


  1. I like the different views you shot Bannack from. They all look really good!

  2. I love the stormy night photo with the dark clouds in the background. Good job!

  3. I love your shots! I especially like the stormy sky in the first picture. It captures the weather of the past few weeks perfectly.

  4. These shots are awesome! I like that you could capture all of Bannack with the panos and the shot on top of R mountain is amazing! The clouds and scene are beautiful!
